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George Meets Wayland

Last week George and I brought flowers to Wayland. It was George's first real visit to his big brothers spot. We cleaned up his headstone, placed the flowers and I told George a lot of stories about Wayland. We remembered him together. I have cried a lot since then.

We've all have tough days; work is stressful, money is tight, our to-do list is endless, our kids our are naughty, our role as "driver" to their after school activities never ends. When we come home from all our many tasks, supper still needs to be prepared, dishes done and the house cleaned. Its overwhelming. What if at the end of these exhausting days, you have to walk by your dead child's empty room, or remember this scene of introducing your new baby to his older brother at a cemetery. Well, that is my fate. And it is the fate of countless other parents around the world. DIPG kills 99% of the children it attacks. Period. Why can't we at least give them a chance to fight?

Brain Tumor Awareness month may be coming to an end today, but hundreds of parents around the world are still fighting for the sliver of a chance that their child can survive. It doesn't take much to offer hope; a small donation, a card to a family in the fight, a gift of encouragement to a child diagnosed with DIPG, attend a fundraiser, or even just a positive text or email to encourage those families on their journey. Ben and I have chosen this fight, this fight to offer hope. We'll take you along if you want to join us. We won't give up, we hope you don't either.

Hugs from Indy,

Amber, always Wayland's mommy

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My original endeavor was to share our story of losing a child to a brain tumor and our journey to help find a cure for pediatric brain cancer. That is not changing, but our journey is. Let me take you along. 

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